Dedicated Time to
Get Shit Done
Plus… a Community of Other Weirdos
Free Weekly Coworking

Mondays at either 2:00 pm or 7:00 pm
Come join me for some time to work through getting your shit organized, planning and figuring out your time for the week, or just crossing shit off of that Everest-size list.

What is this??

Coworking is basically just hanging out with other people, quietly working on whatever it is we need to work on. This is just dedicated time for you to work on checking off whatever task or two (or more, if your brain is working that day!) from your mountain-like list.
Sometimes it’s helpful to have other people around – quietly there for moral support – to help motivate you to get shit done.
So, that’s what we’re doing here. Sharing time and space, working on getting stuff done.
How Will It Work?
Here’s the general plan – always subject to change, depending on what we need that day.
There will be two and a half hours set aside every Monday – alternating each week between an afternoon time and an evening time (Eastern Standard Time zone) to mix it up and give you an opportunity to attend, depending on your schedule.
We’ll work on stuff using the pomodoro technique – set times of 25 minutes working, on mute, with or without cameras on – totally up to you – with 5 minute breaks in between for nerding out with each other or refueling our coffee, beer, or wine (depending on what we’re in the mood for).
Plus, for about 20 minutes in the middle, we’ll break and I’ll open it up for “office hours” – basically, ask me any question you’d like about organizing or time management or experimentation, whatever, or we can just chat and nerd out over the things we enjoy.
All you have to do is sign up below, and I’ll send you email reminders each week before our set coworking time with the meeting link.