Run your own race. You’re only competing against yourself.
These are things we hear people say constantly. Don’t compare yourself to others, avoid the comparison trap.
But what about when you’re comparing your current self to your past self?
When I first moved to Western New York, I was super thin. I weighed about 120 pounds, if that.
Now, if I look back at that time of my life and think about it honestly – I certainly was not healthy. I was dealing with major life changes, some major depression, and what was probably bordering on an eating disorder.
But if you just looked at me from the outside – I somewhat embodied that society-coveted idea of conventional beauty.
Fast forward thirteen years to now. I weigh about 100 pounds more than I did then. I feel fat, gross, unworthy on a daily basis. I’m not society’s idea of beauty.
I constantly ignore the fact that I’ve been pregnant and given birth to two kids within the last three years. I ignore the fact that I have an autoimmune condition that is known for causing weight gain, with symptoms that make it extremely difficult to lose that weight.
I am constantly competing against my past self, the self who wasn’t battling an autoimmune disease, the past self who hadn’t gone through two pregnancies, the self who, while certainly depressed, was nowhere near the black hole I was in two years ago.
Everyday fitness and health should not be a competition – with others or with yourself.
Instead, we should be focusing on what we need right here and now to be our healthiest selves. For me, that’s working with a functional medicine coach, working on eliminating foods I’m sensitive to, and finding a fitness routine that doesn’t completely drain my adrenals.
This is something that’s 100% different than what the me from thirteen years ago did. And that’s ok. I’m trying to stay focused on the person I am now, and the person I want to be in the future.
As we grow as moms, working on conquering our mental and physical health issues, we need to remember that competing against our past selves will not serve us in the long run. All it will do is keep us at the brink.
So, let’s find a way to channel our desire for physical fitness into something healthier. Pick one thing to focus on, whether it be increasing your water, going for a walk, working with a health coach. Choose one thing that moves you forward, not keeps you focused on the past.
How to Know When you've Buried Your True Identity
Get the four steps to recognize when you’ve morphed to fit the expectations of others.