Over this last week, I’ve had a lot of moments where it felt as though I’d been hit by a truck (in a good way) or where I had incredible moments of clarity.
The last few months have been a hectic time, as I tried to navigate some crazy, uncertain situations at work, as well as working towards the launch of the book series I contributed to. My emotions have been all over the place, with stress and anger and disappointment overwhelming me at work, and excitement, nerves, and pure joy dominating me as we got closer and closer to book launch day.
To say the least, it’s been a lot, emotionally and physically.
But over this past week, while I attended the live book launch in Waco, as I listened to the stories of amazing, courageous women during Flourish Week, and as I found the community I was searching for in the group of women and co-authors I spent the week with, I had the realization of which fork in the path I need to take.
I know the direction I want to go, the projects I want to take on, and the journey I want my life to take.
I think about how my mental and physical health have taken hits over the last few months of work stress, and I understand fully what was meant when the women last week talked about how our bodies keep score.
I understand and have clarity around what I need to do to balance out that score.
I have a much clearer grasp on how I have given up so much of myself in my quest to belong. As I found a supportive, strong, courageous community this last week while living my true values, I know that I want to bring this same sense of community to the other weird, nerdy, socially awkward women and moms in my life.
As I come off the high of the book launch, I’m fully embracing my desire to keep writing, to build community, and to be there for the weird, nerdy moms who have stuffed down who they truly are for far too long.
And I can’t wait for you to come on this journey with me. I think it’s going to be fantastic.
So, stay tuned. There’s so much more to come.
And if you want to grab copies of the books I contributed to, which launched last week, you can check them out here:
How to Know When you've Buried Your True Identity
Get the four steps to recognize when you’ve morphed to fit the expectations of others.