I was not taking particularly good care of myself during the last two to three months of 2020. So many things hit the proverbial fan, that I put my own health and self-care on the back burner.
And as a result, I ended up in one of the worst autoimmune flares I’ve ever had.
I’ve never really been great at self-care. I love my junk food. I love bumming around the house and watching Netflix while I snack. And even when I am doing better at taking care of myself, I’m excellent at self-sabotage.
But as 2020 ended, in the week between Christmas and New Year’s, I knew if I didn’t get my act together again, it would take an increasingly exhausting effort to get myself back to healthy.
I was struggling with keeping a stable mood. My skin was so irritated, I felt like if I didn’t get out of it, I’d go nuts. My digestion was totally out of whack. It was so difficult for me to keep it together to enjoy my little guy’s first Christmas season, and the first Christmas season where my girly really started to understand what was going on.
Hashimoto’s affects your physical and mental health. Your thyroid controls or affects so much of your body’s functions, that when it’s attacked, you literally feel like you’re falling apart, losing your mind. And that adds on top of already being mentally exhausted from dealing with a diagnosis in the first place.
One of my OolaFitness goals, and one of my Oola 7, for 2021, is to work on getting my Hashimoto’s closer to remission. And in that week between Christmas and New Year’s, I started to go back to the changes I’ve been working on since my diagnosis.
I’m working on drinking a gallon of water every day. I’m focusing on my meditation more, to help calm my mind and body.
And did I mention food is my weakest link? Because I’ve struggled with food so much in the past, I’m working with a functional medicine health coach, who is amazing, to help keep me on track. I’ve cut out gluten again, as well as several other food items (eggs, peas, corn…) based on food sensitivity test results. Can I just say – holy crap is it hard to adjust to cutting out those four foods! But taking these steps are key to getting my physical and mental health back.
No matter what, I’m picking myself up and tackling one thing at a time. I’m working on small, smart goals to get to my dream. I’m taking my three action steps every day. I am going after my OolaLife, and I’ll keep going no matter what.
And I’ll be journaling my health as I go, and I’m looking forward to watching and tracking my progress.
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