Do you ever feel as though you’re desk, dining table – hell, your whole house – is one big dumping ground for every important piece of paper and every important notebook you’ve ever had?
Does everything in your mind feel like it’s just been dumped out and left for you to sort out in some fictional free moment?
It’s amazing the correlations and comparisons we can find between our inner and outer worlds. We don’t often think about how our outer world is typically just a reflection of what is going on inside our heads.
So, what if we took the time to organize the external stuff? What if we got everything off of the tables, the counters, the desks, and got it all set up into a nice, neat little package, a nice system that we could easily refer back to and find whatever we needed right at our fingertips?
Imagine what that could do for your mind.
Over the years, I have tried to many paper systems to get myself organized. I thought that this next planner, this new, shiny notebook, this set of printable worksheets and checklists would solve my problems.
I was wrong.
What I realized is that it just created so much more clutter for me to figure out what the hell I should do with.
It created more chaos and stress and anxiety.
Creating and moving to a digital system, where everything was logically organized and wasn’t cluttered all over my house, allowed me the room to breathe that I hadn’t realized I needed.
And that breathing room gave me back the time I needed in order to start digging deep down into my core to identify and unbury who I truly am at heart.
Organizing my outside world let me have the freedom to clear the clutter, dirt, and dust from my brain. It argued me to see clearly the work that needs to be done, on my self, for myself.
It gave me the structure and system to organize the filing cabinet of my mind.
And I want so much for you to have the same clutter-free clarity. The same opportunity to have the time to find yourself.
How to Know When you've Buried Your True Identity
Get the four steps to recognize when you’ve morphed to fit the expectations of others.