the time audit companion

Break Free from Overwhelm and Create Space for What Truly Matters to YOU

Are you ready to see where your time is really going? Get the Time Audit Companion and see for yourself!

what it is

The Time Audit Companion is a simple-to-use Google Sheets workbook will give you the structure you need to get started with your time audit, while still being easily customizable to how your quirky brain works.

I know you’re constantly juggling a never-ending to-do list…

You feel like your priorities are scattered all over the place…

You’re overwhelmed by the sheer number of commitments…because you can never say no…right?

And let’s not forget about the guilt and anxiety that creep in when you try to take a break or, god-forbid, jump head first down the latest Doctor Who fan-theory on Reddit rather than handle all the no fun at all things on your daily to-do list. It’s as if there’s a constant voice in your head telling you that every second should be spent on productivity.

am I right?

I’m going to bet one of these is you…

There is never enough time in the day to do it all and still have time to breathe, let alone actually nerd out like you desperately want to do.

You really want to re-read Hitchhiker’s Guide for the fifth time?
Yeah. Right.

What about the last season of The Crown? Isn’t it about time to finally get caught up?
Um…where would I find the time to get caught up?

And spending the day at that fantastically nerdy coffee shop right down the block from that amazing bookstore with all the first editions???
In. Your. Dreams.

How good would it feel to…

  • Figure out exactly what you are doing with your time.
  • Have fun being your weird nerdy self again.
  • Organize your time but still embrace your own quirks.
  • Banish overwhelm and reclaim control over your time.
  • Track and analyze your time.
  • Clarify your tasks and activities based on your own behavior patterns.
  • Break down how you want to spend your time.
what it will do for you

With the Time Audit Companion, you’ll be able to increase your awareness of how you spend your time, enhance your ability to prioritize tasks and activities, and get back to tackling the TBR pile that continues to grow along the side of your bed.

Sounds pretty damn good!

Frequently Asked Questions

While the Companion is set up in a certain format, it is most definitely not a one-size-fits-all tool. I’ve set it up in a way that will be easily accessible for most people, but in the video walkthrough that goes with tool itself, I’ll go through ways in which you can customize it and make it your own to fit your needs. Because what good is doing an audit of your time if it doesn’t make any sense to your brain?

In its basic format, you’ll be able to note how long you spend on each task you track in the initial tracking step. The prioritization step will then calculate how much time you spend on certain types of tasks in total over the days you tracked, giving you a better idea of where your time is going.

I recommend tracking three to five days worth of activities, which is the most time consuming part of the tool. However, once you’ve completed the tracking phase, you should be able to go through the remaining steps in under an hour or two, depending on how detailed you want to get with it and any customizations you want to make to your audit.

While there is no specific support ongoing for the Time Audit Companion, you are always welcome to join my weekly coworking sessions on Mondays, where we have two and half hours of dedicated time to get shit done, plus office hours where you can ask me questions on all things organization and chaos taming!

Ready to get your time back?

It’s time to take that first step to figure out where the hell your time is going so you can go back to doing all the weird, nerdy shit you actually want to do.

Grab the Time Audit Companion today!