when overwhelm creeps in

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When the Overwhelm Creeps In

Has anyone else felt like the last few weeks have just been – a lot?
Like, a-freaking-lot.
Between rebounding and adjusting course after missing an important goal, lots of craziness at work, being a mom, and, you know, a handful of old, white men trying to take away women’s rights, I’ve felt like I can’t quite slow down, can’t quite catch my breath, and can’t get my mind to just shut the hell up for a damn second.
It’s feeling overwhelmed on full throttle.
It’s so many competing priorities coming at you all at once. It’s feeling completely helpless as so much devastating and important events are happening in the world around you. It’s having to come to terms with our own shortcomings, our own failings, when it comes to our own personal goals, plus having to be a wife and mom on top of those goals.
How do we calm the storm raging around us and inside us?
It’s not easy, that’s for sure. Even with practice, it’s something I still need to take that step outside of the situation, outside of myself, and really take the time to focus and think about the things that are coming at me and what I can realistically do about them.
I start with making lists. One of my favorite things to do. 😉
When I find a free moment, as few and far between as they can be, I’ll list out all of the things that I can think of that are coming up for me in that moment, things that are weighing on me, to-dos, or priorities, or just the random thoughts that won’t clear out.
I’ll also walk away from the situation, even if just for a minute.
Whether I walk out the front door, put the kids in the stroller, and head out on a long walk, or if I just stand up and pace in front of my desk or computer for a minute, sometimes I just need to remove myself from a situation, for as long as I’m realistically able to, in order to get some fresh perspective.
Then I’ve got my support system, my accountability.
I have my people who I trust, who I can vent to, ask for advice, ask for help. I have my health coach and accountability partners who will remind me of my goals and help keep on track to stay accountable to those goals.
Never underestimate the power of accountability and support. This is definitely one of the most powerful tools in my toolbox.

How to Know When you've Buried Your True Identity

Get the four steps to recognize when you’ve morphed to fit the expectations of others.

guide true identity
Picture of Sarah Bowser

Sarah Bowser

I’m an unconventional self-esteem coach helping weird, nerdy moms organize their minds and find their core self to rediscover their true identity, cultivate self-love, and create a sense of belonging.

about sarah
hi! I'm Sarah!

I’m an unconventional self-esteem coach helping weird, nerdy moms organize their minds and find their core self to rediscover their true identity, cultivate self-love, and create a sense of belonging.

Learn more below!

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Come join me for some time to work through getting your shit organized, planning and figuring out your time for the week, or just crossing shit off of that Everest-size list.