Hello, hello, my wonderfully weird friend! Welcome back to another episode of “Get It Together, Weirdo,” where we tackle the chaos in our brains and find ways to actually get stuff done without losing our minds.
Let me ask you: how’s your brain feeling right now? Nice and calm, like a Zen garden? Or are we more in the “absolute cluster, chaos central” territory?
If you’re more in the chaos camp, don’t worry—you are most certainly not alone. Discovering how to tackle that overwhelming mental chaos mountain can feel like an impossible feat.
How to Organize Your Life
Take the first step to making sense of your mental chaos. Grab this free course to get started with digitally organizing your life. It’s time to take a step back, forget the list for an hour or so, and dive into this free course to jumpstart your mental organization – you’ll be pretty happy you did.

So today, we’re going to explore some practical strategies and unconventional approaches to help you conquer the anxiety and guilt that loves to plague your mind. Sound good?
I have always been the queen of saying “yes” to everything. Whether it was something someone else asked me to do, or something I asked myself to do—totally didn’t matter.
I didn’t want to let anyone down, especially someone I loved and respected. But ultimately, this people-pleasing and perfectionist tendency led me straight into a pit of extreme overwhelm and burnout.
I remember this time in my life when I was juggling a job where I was more abused than appreciated, struggling to make it through my undergrad degree, and planning my wedding all at once.
It was a hot mess, and I was drowning. I was coming in to work an hour early, staying an hour late, tackling all of the fire drills that my team lead couldn’t be bothered to handle.
I was trying to maintain a 4.0 grade point average, because I felt like that was the only way to make my family proud. And trying to plan the wedding of my dreams on top of it?
Good lord. I felt like I was failing at everything, constantly worried about disappointing people, and the anxiety was crushing. I felt like I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders, the weight of everyone else’s overbearing expectations, but I didn’t know how to put any of it down.
Sounds familiar doesn’t it?
So, what’s at the root of all this chaos? Why do we end up feeling so overwhelmed and anxious?
A lot of it comes down to our triggers…yeah, I know, there’s a lot of judgment these days around this word, but this is what they are…those things that set off our anxiety and guilt, often without us even realizing it.
For me, it was the fear of letting people down and the unrealistic expectations I put on myself. I thought I had to be perfect, had to do it all, had to make everyone happy. And society certainly doesn’t help with these triggers we may have, with its constant pressure to be productive, to achieve more, to always be “on.”
Between these societal pressures and our own inner critic, our brains can create this perfect storm of mental chaos.
And often, underneath it all, there are deeper fears—a fear of failing so much that we lose our jobs, fear of not being good enough and being abandoned by our friends, fear of not being loved or accepted by our family and being excommunicated for being our chaotic selves.
These fears fuel the anxiety and keep us stuck in this cycle of overwhelm and guilt.
We can start to unmask this chaos and find some clarity.
Start off with reflecting on what truly matters to you. Not what society says should matter, not what your parents or your boss or your Instagram feed says should matter, but what actually lights you up.
What are your core values? What’s your definition of success and fulfillment?
For me, I had to take a step back and realize that my worth isn’t tied to how much I can do for others or how perfectly I can perform. It wasn’t about getting a 4.0 GPA and completing all of the projects at work, whether they were my projects or someone else’s.
I had to redefine what success meant to me, which wasn’t about pleasing everyone else but about living a life that aligned with my values of creativity, authenticity, and connection.
When we align our actions with our core values, we start to reduce that overwhelm because we’re no longer pulled in a million directions by things that don’t really matter to us. It’s like having a compass that always points us in the right direction, even when the storm of chaos is raging around us.
What about the day-to-day chaos? How do we actually organize our minds and our lives so we can get a grip on all this?
One of the best strategies I’ve found is getting all of your thoughts out by just writing them out in whatever way makes the most sense for you. If you’re anything like me, your brain can feel like a tangled ball of yarn—so many thoughts, ideas, worries, and to-dos all jumbled up together.
Grab a journal, a notebook, an old envelope, a scrap of paper from your kiddo’s school folder that doesn’t need to be returned, or even open a blank document on your computer, and just do a brain dump.
Write down everything that’s swirling around in your head. Don’t worry about making it neat or organized—just get it all out. This can help you see what’s really going on up there and start to make sense of it.
Once you’ve got it all down, start piecing together the bits that logically go together, the things that need to flow in a certain order for you. Put together to-do lists, your own version of a digital planner, sticky notes, whatever works for you.
The key here is to break down all of the overwhelming tasks in your brain into smaller, manageable steps. When you can see what you need to do laid out in front of you, it’s a lot less scary.
And seriously – don’t be afraid to experiment! I know I’ve said it before, but it’s really is so important. Experimentation is the key to unlocking new perspectives and finding what truly works for you.
You don’t know what you don’t know. Maybe you try a new hobby, explore a different philosophy, or even just rearrange your schedule to see if it feels better.
The point is to stay curious and open-minded. We’re all constantly growing and evolving, and what works for you today might not work tomorrow—and that’s okay.
When you approach your life with a mindset of continuous growth and learning, you give yourself the freedom to change and adapt without judgment.
Here’s the catch—guilt can be a sneaky little monster. It creeps in and whispers that you should be doing more, that you’re not doing enough, that you’re not enough.
Excessive guilt, and ruminating constantly on that guilt, can be incredibly detrimental to our mental health, and it’s something we have to actively work to overcome.
One of the most powerful ways to do this is through self-compassion. It’s all about recognizing that you’re doing the best you can with what you have. It’s about forgiving yourself for past mistakes, for not being perfect, for being human.
And it’s about setting realistic expectations and healthy boundaries so you’re not constantly running yourself into the ground.
So, as you go through your week, I want you to practice shifting from self-criticism to self-compassion. When that inner critic starts to nag at you, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you’re worthy of kindness and forgiveness. You don’t have to be perfect.
You just have to be you.
And remember, it’s okay to say no. It’s okay to set boundaries. It’s okay to prioritize your mental health and well-being over everything else.
You’re not letting anyone down by taking care of yourself—you’re actually showing up in a more authentic, healthy way.
Take some time this week to reflect on what truly matters to you. What are your core values? How can you align your actions with those values to reduce overwhelm and anxiety? And how can you practice self-compassion when things get tough?
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Free Weekly Coworking
Mondays at either 2:00 pm or 7:00 pm
Come join me for some time to work through getting your shit organized, planning and figuring out your time for the week, or just crossing shit off of that Everest-size list.
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