I’ve always been the good kid, the good worker. The one who follows the rules, doesn’t question the status quo.
I was also the one who had no idea who she truly was inside.
The start of my rebellion…
It took me quite a long time to finally get up the courage to begin my rebellion. After years of being quiet as a mouse, not wanting to disturb the status quo; after all of my different journeys throughout high school, college, and adulthood, it was well into the first year of the pandemic before I really started to push back, to come up with action steps, and begin to call myself a rebel.
Pushing back and speaking out for my thoughts and beliefs was a situation that left me extremely uncomfortable – feeling as though I was crawling out of my skin, the vulnerability making my stomach turn as though I were on a roller coaster.
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And the loss of friends as a result made me question whether my rebellion was truly the correct path. Surely, stepping into my true self wouldn’t cost me the friendships that I valued so highly.
Mindset rebellion…
But as I did the mindset work, as I began working on truly identifying my core values, I realized through the loss of these friends that they had been pressuring me – maybe not overtly but pressuring me none the less – to fit into their own ideal sets of values, not my own.
And, eventually, it became extremely clear that our values did not align.
As the dust and dirt began clearing away, as I got clearer and clearer about who I truly was at my core, in my soul, I began to step further into my true identity. Sharing my thoughts and feelings more publicly, sharing my stories out in the world, stepping into my natural role and identity as a creative human, showed me that my rebellion was not harmful. It was an act of love for myself, and an act of kind honesty to those around me, allowing them to see my real self and to embrace it, if they so choose.
Embracing our rebellion…
Because the friends, the family who truly make us better humans, a better friend and family member ourselves, will embrace our rebellion and will be honored to see us be able to step into our core, true identity.
What are you afraid to lose by rebelling? When you think about it carefully – will it really be a loss? Or will you be gaining so much more?
Share your thoughts in the comments, or over in our group. Rebellion is not an easy topic, but it’s an important one, where we could all use support to guide our way through.