A squirrel at a rave. Too many tabs open at once. Where is that music coming from? There are a lot of ways you could describe how my mind works, and how it’s constantly going from one task to another, oftentimes leaving the last task only partially finished.
But when I really need to get in my zone, buckle down, and get shit done, there are a few things I’ll do to get myself in the right frame of mind.
To start, I’ll find myself a comfortable place to work. Whether I need to work on my 9-5 job, my coaching business, or just work on my own Oola goals and dreams planning, I need to have a space where I can be comfortable.
I make sure that I have the tools I know I’ll need on hand before I buckle down to work. The less times I have to get up to get something, the less likely I am to squirrel off to something else.
In the process of making my space comfortable and making sure I have everything I need, I’ll get my diffuser going with an oil or blend that relates to or supports what I’m working on. I’ll also make myself a hot tea and get my water bottle on hand. Throwing some upbeat music on iTunes or Pandora also helps – my mind loves to think in terms of song lyrics and instrumentals. Music helps to stimulate my mental juices.
Beyond getting my physical environment together, I also do a couple of things mentally to get into my zone. One of the biggest things I do is give myself grace. I’ll have my list of things I want to get done, but I know that progress is better than perfection. I’ve spent a lot of time in m y past allowing my desire to be perfect to eclipse the importance of getting something done. So, before I get started on whatever my task is, I take the time to tell myself that it’s ok if the things I complete are not yet perfect. I’ve gotten something done, and I can tweak it later if I absolutely need to.
Giving myself this grace, and then taking the time to write out a to-do list before starting gives my anxiety-ridden mind the ok, the go-ahead it needs to be able to tackle the tasks I need to get done.
Doing what I need to do to get into my zone is the key to me getting anything done. As I work through my autoimmune condition and general anxiety, I’ve learned what my brain needs to get shit done.
What does your brain need to get in your zone and get shit done? I want to hear in the comments.
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