Values are a funny thing.
We can think that we know what we stand for, what we believe in, what we value. But when we come to that proverbial fork in the road, that moment where we’re put in a situation by a friend or family member that makes us uncomfortable, but where we also experience discomfort at the thought of going a different way from our friends or family, it can take a lot of mental work to stay true to our values and our identity.
Our values help us to know who we are, help us to establish our identity in the here and now. So, we need to figure out what our core values are, diving deep to figure out what we really believe.
Values at a basic level...
At a basic level, our core values show us and the world what we hold as our highest priorities, our fundamental driving forces, and they serve as the guiding principles that can dictate our behavior and help us discern right from wrong.
How to Organize Your Life
Take the first step to making sense of your mental chaos. Grab this free course to get started with digitally organizing your life. It’s time to take a step back, forget the list for an hour or so, and dive into this free course to jumpstart your mental organization – you’ll be pretty happy you did.

To me, ultimately, they tell us who we are in our hearts, in the deepest depths of our soul, at this moment in our life. They are the pillars, seen or unseen, which help hold us up, give us stability. They are the guiding light for us in a world where anything can go haywire in an instant.
Values provide structure...
These core values will provide us with structure for our lives. They give us the pillars that form the foundation on which we build our hopes and dreams, our plans, and goals. They are a map for our journey, highlighting our route and illuminating the path ahead.
And, very importantly, they help us find our personal moral and ethical structures. How do we go about in the world? How do we interact with others? Do our values help us embody morals that help society, and us, become better?
Find your core values...
But how do we go about identifying what our true core values are?
How can we best find the words for what we feel in our souls?
When you think of what your values are, does anything immediately spring to mind? What are the key words that you think of right away? Are there any key feelings or ideas that are readily present for you?
Which values feel as though they are the strong pillars holding you up?
Take some time to brainstorm, thinking of how you have responded to situations in the past, and how you would respond to similar situations in an ideal world. Want someone, or a group of someones, to talk this through with? Come join us in Weird and Nerdy Moms and share where you’re at – we’d love to help you brainstorm and talk through your values with you.