Self-sabotage is my greatest weakness, my worst blocker. As I start to get closer and closer to my goals, I used to always start to feel unworthy, like it was all going to blow up in my face.
So, I would blow it up first. Before the universe even had a chance to try.
I’d done this so often, it’d become a habit, my go-to process for every goal, every relationship. It has taken a lot to break free of this blocker, and it’s still something I’m working on every day.
How did I do it? How do I continue to work on overcoming my self-sabotaging tendencies? These three accelerators have been key to overcoming my instincts to blow everything up:
- Love. Finding a way to love myself again was the first step to overcoming my self-sabotage. It had been so long since I allowed myself to feel worthy of love, especially from myself. I never thought myself worthy of my goals, which would lead to self-sabotage. By loving myself again, by deeming myself worthy, I was able to take those first steps towards diffusing the bomb.
- Discipline. Setting SMART goals that are specific, easy to measure, and held to timelines has helped to strengthen my discipline. Throw in the amazing support of an accountability partner, and you’ve got the beginnings to a lifetime of growing your ability to stay disciplined.
- Integrity. Honesty, with both myself and my accountability partner, on where I’m actually at with my SMART goals and whether I’ve actually completed the steps I intended to take for the day, makes it harder to light the fuse of the self-sabotage bomb. I have someone to kick my ass in gear, and I have my own self-love, my own desires, to disappoint if I don’t stay true to my promises.
Without working to amplify these three things, self-sabotage would still have a stronghold over my life and my attempts at reaching my goals.
How can you implement these three accelerators to overcome your own self-sabotage? How will you find a way back to loving yourself? In what ways will you implement greater discipline? And how will you keep integrity with yourself?
If you want to be part of a community to help you grow these accelerators, come hang out in our community. We’ll help you find love, discipline, and integrity once again.
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