There have been many times that I’ve let fear rule my life.
I’ve shrunk back, not allowed myself to be fully present in my existence, because I’ve been afraid of what might happen, what was to come, what was unknown.
Fear held me down for so long, especially in the early days of both being a new mom and getting my autoimmune diagnosis, which happened pretty much at the same time.
And now, as I stand facing more unknowns coming over the horizon, as the fear starts to bubble up again, I’m realizing that it’s not ruling me like it once did.
I’ve found tools to implement that keep the fear from taking over.
One of those methods is the Ready, Set, Go method, from Oola.
Oola teaches us this method as a way to overcome our blockers, one of which is fear.
Step one – Ready. I acknowledge that the blocker, the fear, exists.
Step two – Set. I set the fear in its place. What does my life look like if I give into my fear? What does it look like if I overcome my fear?
Step three – Go. What OolaAcclerator can I apply to take action? What action can I take to overcome my fear? Then I take seven seconds of courage, take that action, and overcome my fear.
What accelerators am I using this time around?
Discipline and gratitude.
Discipline to continue taking my health into my own hands, doubling down on the changes I’ve been making to get healthy.
Gratitude for the challenges that keep coming up, that keep threatening to derail my progress.
While I don’t know what the future holds for this particular challenge, I know that I will not let fear control me and take me down a path I don’t want to go back down.
I can control my fear and turn it in a positive way.
What blockers are you struggling with on your journey? Fear or anger? Guilt or self-sabotage? Envy? Laziness or lack of focus?
How can you implement Ready, Set, Go to overcome those blockers?
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