Here’s something I know a lot of us struggle with: the guilt we feel when we realize we’ve spent money on a cookie-cutter organization system that just doesn’t work for our brain.
Spoiler alert: you’re allowed to ditch those systems. You’re allowed to create something that actually works for you. And yes, that means even if you’re staring at the mountain of planners, templates, and apps you’ve spent way too much on already.
You can still start over.
How to Organize Your Life
Take the first step to making sense of your mental chaos. Grab this free course to get started with digitally organizing your life. It’s time to take a step back, forget the list for an hour or so, and dive into this free course to jumpstart your mental organization – you’ll be pretty happy you did.

So how do we ditch the guilt and start building your own system – a system that fits your brain, your life, and your unique way of thinking? Let’s get into it.
You know your brain is different, right? You’re not a one-size-fits-all kind of person. You have your own thoughts, your own quirks, your own values.
So why are you trying to shove your unique self into tiny little suitcase and into an organization system that doesn’t fit your needs?
I get it. I’ve been there. We’ve all seen the ads and the influencers touting their magical solution – the one planner, the one app, the one setup that’s going to organize your life, skyrocket your productivity, and make you feel like you’ve got it all together.
And then, when it doesn’t work, you’re left feeling like the problem is you. Spoiler alert: it’s not.
Let me tell you a story.
Back when I was just starting to build my business, all I heard about was how Trello was the thing. Everyone was raving about how it was the best way to get organized, stay on top of all the things, and keep your life together. So, of course, I went all in.
I bought courses. I downloaded templates. I tried to set everything up exactly the way I was told to in these courses – even though, let’s be real, the advice from one course often contradicted what another was telling me.
One setup would make sense for one area of my life, so I’d try to use it for everything – and then my brain would short-circuit. The system didn’t work for how my mind operated. Meanwhile, other setups didn’t even remotely make sense to me, or there wasn’t a template at all for what I actually needed.
The more I tried to force Trello to work, the more frustrated I got. My brain rebelled, my boards got messier, and my anxiety went through the roof. It wasn’t until I took a step back – really allowed myself to say, “Okay, Trello isn’t bad, or evil, it’s just not right for me” – that I started to figure out what I actually needed.
I had to let go of the guilt I felt for spending so much time and money on something that didn’t work. I had to give myself permission to experiment and start building a system that worked for my brain’s operating system. And that’s what I want to help you do.
Let’s start by talking about the downside of cookie-cutter systems. The problem isn’t that they’re inherently bad – it’s that they’re designed for an imaginary “everyperson” who doesn’t actually exist. These systems don’t take into account your unique needs, your quirks, or the way your brain works. And because of that, they often end up making you feel overwhelmed and anxious.
You know the drill by now: you hear about a new system, you buy into it, actually spending money on it, you try to make it work, and when it doesn’t, you feel like you’ve failed. You tell yourself, “If everyone else can make this work, why can’t I? I’m obviously a failing failure”
But please hear me when I tell you: the system is what’s failing you. You’re not failing. Your brain just needs something different – something customized.
So how do you start creating a system that actually works for you? Start with identifying your core values. Your values are like a roadmap to understanding how your brain functions and what’s truly important to you.
Ask yourself: What matters most in your life right now? What lights you up? What keeps you grounded? The values that you identify will guide you in building the foundation of your system. And here’s the cool part: as your values shift and change over time, you can tweak your system to match. It’s not set in stone – your values are a living, breathing thing.
You also need to embrace personalization. This isn’t about creating the perfect system – it’s about creating your system. Take the bits and pieces from other systems that worked for you, toss the parts that didn’t, and start stitching them together into something that feels right.
And don’t be afraid to experiment. Maybe you try out a new app or a new way of organizing your tasks. If it works, great! If it doesn’t, no big deal. Chuck it out and try something else. The key is to keep experimenting until you find what clicks.
As you start to build your system, focus on achieving small wins. When you hit those little milestones – checking off a to-do, staying on top of a project – you’ll feel a boost of confidence.
And as your confidence grows, so will your motivation. You’ll start to notice a positive feedback loop: the more you refine your system, the better it works, and the better it works, the more motivated you’ll be to keep refining it.
It’s the opposite of a vicious circle.
And here’s the best part: as you grow your confidence, you’ll get even better at reassessing and adjusting your system as needed. It’s a process, not a destination.
Let’s bring it all together. Take a moment to reflect on the systems you’re using right now. What’s working? What isn’t? How do these systems align with your values?
Once you’ve done that, pick one small thing to experiment with this week. Maybe it’s trying out a new way of tracking your tasks. Maybe it’s ditching something that’s not working at all. Whatever it is, give yourself permission to try, to fail, and to try again.
Remember: personalization is the key to building confidence and finding peace amidst the chaos. And if you need a little extra support, you know where to find me.
If you enjoyed this episode and want to stay in the loop on new episodes, posts, and other tidbits I share, hop on my email list or join us for weekly coworking on Mondays. I’d love to have you in the community.
Until next time, keep experimenting, keep growing, and keep embracing your wonderfully weird self.

Free Weekly Coworking
Mondays at either 2:00 pm or 7:00 pm
Come join me for some time to work through getting your shit organized, planning and figuring out your time for the week, or just crossing shit off of that Everest-size list.
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