Downtime is something that has seemed elusive for quite a while now.
Sure, there are times when we’re just sitting on the couch and staring off into the TV after the kids go to bed.
But I don’t know if I can really call it downtime when I can’t get my mind to shut off for more than two minutes.
Between a swirling storm of never-ending thoughts and a cloudiness that lurks just beneath the surface, fogging up my mind when I try to process that never ending storm, I’d come to think that I’d never enjoy any true downtime again.
For quite a long time, it was getting harder and harder to focus, to overcome the brain fog, and to feel like I’d ever get back to a time where I could enjoy doing something I wanted to do for me, without dealing with intrusive thoughts that wouldn’t leave me alone.
As I’ve worked on making changes with my health, both physical and mental, the brain fog has begun to lift, and I’ve found myself doing things I enjoy during my downtime again.
I’ve been able to focus on the books I want to read without getting distracted after a paragraph or two.
I can correctly finish multiple Sudoku puzzles from my puzzle book in one sitting.
I’m confident that I can knit again without dropping (too many) stitches or missing portions of a pattern.
While these may seem like small things to some, to me, and to others who have also dealt with the fun beast that is brain fog, these are huge. Having a clear, focused mind is such a key tool to have to stay healthy, both physically and mentally.
So, how can we combat our brain fog?
Take time to really assess what it is you’re putting into your body. How do you feel when you eat certain foods? Does your brain fog feel worse when you eat certain foods? I know that this was true for me and taking a food sensitivity test and eliminating certain foods from my diet has helped me exponentially.
Then, focus on your mental practices. Do you take time to meditate or practice yoga? Are you doom scrolling on social media all evening? When I stopped spending so much time scrolling the interwebs and started increasing my meditation practice, I again noticed a huge difference in my foggy brain.
What steps are you taking to address your brain fog? I’d love to hear your ideas and steps in the comments, or feel free to share with me directly.
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