When you’ve struggled for so long to keep your head above water, it can seem impossible to think you could actually live your best life. It seems like a distant dream, with way too many steps, too many miles, between that dream and where you are right now.
But every step you take is one step closer to your best life. No matter how small the step, no matter how far away the dream still is, one step is still progress, still closer than you were before.
These are my six key habits to living my best life. They get me one step closer each day to my dream life, my best life. This is what I do – but there’s no right way to doing these steps, forming these habits. Take them and make them your own, to fit your own journey to your best life.
- Cry when you need to. Whether your current situation is making the tears flow, or you can feel everything just bottling up inside you, don’t be afraid to let the dam break and let it out. There’s been many a time I’ve burst into tears while driving, cried silently while holding a sleeping kiddo, or let the tears flow in bed. Sometimes, I’ve even purposefully put on a sad song or movie or TV episode to get the tears out and let the bottled-up emotion escape.
- Meditation. At the beginning and end of the day, I’ll take two to five minutes to myself to just sit quietly and breathe. I don’t chastise myself if thoughts cross my mind – I acknowledge them and work to let them go. I pay attention to my breathing. And I just soak up the quiet energy to start and end my day on a positive note.
- Yoga. Dance. Any kind of movement. Now I’ll be honest, I do not work out every day. I am not a yogi who can hit every yoga pose without effort. I am not a ballerina, I’m not graceful. But I try to move in some way every day. Whether a quick yoga session, dancing with my kiddos, or moving around a little extra while doing chores, I find some way to get the blood moving.
- Humor. Find some way to genuinely laugh every day. Whether I’m being silly with my kiddos, watching an episode of Monty Python, reading a good blog or book, or listening to an Eddie Izzard record the millionth time, I find a way to laugh daily.
- Gratitude. I find something to be grateful for every day. Whether I journal it, jot it on a scrap paper, or just ponder on it during my nighttime meditation, there’s always something to be grateful for.
- Find the fun. I find a way to have fun every day. Most days, it’s playing and being silly with my kiddos. Sometimes, it’s a family adventure or date night with the hubby. Other times it’s alone time with a book or Grey’s Anatomy. I always try to have a little fun every day.
Find ways to incorporate these key habits into your routine and start taking those small steps towards your dream life.
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