For so long, I was giving away my power.
I’d do whatever needed to be done to make things easier for everyone else. I hated making decisions. I would never say no if someone asked me for something. My past hung around, never leaving me be, sucking my energy dry.
Can you relate to this?
Giving up your power isn’t that you’re “not in charge.” It’s not, “oh I’m not in a position of telling people what to do.”
It’s never being able to say no to anyone. No matter how exhausted you are, no matter how busy you are – you give up your needs, your power, to help others first.
It’s never wanting to make a decision in group situations. What if no one else was happy with the choice I made? That feeling you get in your gut when you feel like everyone is mad or annoyed at your decision … you end up thinking it’s worth giving up your power so that you can avoid the decision and avoid that feeling.
It’s being unable to let go of past situations, of holding onto a grudge. Allowing past situations to continue to have a hold on you is giving your power away to those who hurt you in the past.
And it’s being stuck in a loop of self-pity, not being able to move past your Hashimoto’s diagnosis or break through your mental health blocks.
How does it feel to give up your power, to be powerless?
It’s that constant sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. It’s that underlying aggravation with other people, even if you’ll never actually speak up about it. It’s never feeling “worthy” of anything – your family, your friends, your life. It’s thinking “why me?”
And it’s an underlying contributor to your depression and anxiety, feeding that never ending loop of mental health issues.
So, how do you start to regain your power?
You learn to say no, learn to take control of your thoughts over your diagnosis, over your decisions, over your past. You learn to release and forgive.
It’s a process, but it’s a process worth investing in. Once you can reclaim your power, so much more of life starts to open up.
If you’re ready to reclaim your power, check out the training I did in our community. I talked about feeling powerless and some tips for regaining your power.
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