To say this last year has been lifechanging is completely cliché at this point. There’s not one thing that hasn’t changed about life because of the pandemic.
But that doesn’t mean that we haven’t, generally, changed. We may never know whether these changes would have happened without the pandemic. But what I do know, is that I’m grateful for the ways that my life has changed over this last year.
I’ve gone from being a mom of one to a mom of two. I’ve officially entered my thirties. I’ve dealt with health scare after health scare with some of my closest family members. I’ve learned who will truly be there to support me and my family when it feels like the walls are closing in.
And I’ve truly found my inner strength.
I found the strength and courage to change jobs, going somewhat into the unknown to find a work environment I knew I could thrive in, where I wouldn’t be mentally crushed and exhausted day in and day out.
I found the strength to admit to the world and speak up about my own suicidal ideation and to put myself out there as a safe space of support for others going through the same tumultuous balancing act at the brink.
I found the courage and strength to jump headfirst into a new adventure to help those mamas who have gone through the same struggles as I have.
I found the strength to forge my own path, to not be herded into a way of thinking or of life that doesn’t fit with my beliefs, my values, my passion, and my purpose.
I’ve found the strength to take my Oola life and Oola goals to the next level.
I’m grateful for this last year. While it certainly hasn’t been easy, the lessons I’ve learned and the strength I’ve gained has been more beneficial than not.
How have you changed this last year? What big shifts have happened for you, that have changed your life?
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