time for rebellion

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It’s Time for a Rebellion

Rebellion is a word that can carry with it a lot of terrifying imagery, a ton of unsettling and uncomfortable ideas.

Even just the ideas and images we always get in the movies of young kids, young teenagers, “rebelling” against their parents, teachers, or other juvenile authority figures can be enough to make us shiver in discomfort and secondhand embarrassment.

But these are not the only forms of rebellion. And rebellion does not always need to have such a negative or embarrassing connotation to it.

How to Organize Your Life

Take the first step to making sense of your mental chaos. Grab this free course to get started with digitally organizing your life. It’s time to take a step back, forget the list for an hour or so, and dive into this free course to jumpstart your mental organization – you’ll be pretty happy you did.

Defining rebellion…

We need to take back the word “rebellion” and come to terms with what we want it to mean and what we want it to stand for on our personal journey to revealing our true selves and living within those unique, extraordinary identities that make us who we are.

To me, rebellion is simply not conforming to the status quo and not giving in to the pressure around us to be someone that we’re not. It’s the act of breaking away from whoever or whatever “they” want us to be and embracing our true selves.

It is important for us to truly embrace and accept our own rebellion, without fear of or guilt for the feelings and thoughts of those around us. Because those around us – if they are truly there for us, and if they truly love us as we truly are – will stick around for our rebellion. They will help us and support us in our rebellion, and they will make sure that we are victorious.

So, how can you define what rebellion means to you?

Your rebellion…

The biggest challenge is learning to think of rebellion not as something bad or something juvenile. You’re not talking about anarchy, overthrowing the government, or sneaking out of the house to spite your parents. Your rebellion is an act against the expectations that have been thrust upon you by others – by friends, family, coworkers, society – who want us to be someone that we’re not. It’s an act against being forced into a mold that doesn’t fit you, that doesn’t sit right with your gut instincts.

As you begin your rebellion, you are building the habits, the muscle memories, and the pathways to be able to consistently be yourself. You are teaching your mind that you will stand by these new thought patterns, that you won’t be pushed into a mold not of your own making. You are not here in this rebellion to retreat and go back to the way it was.

You are here to stand your ground. You are here to win.

You are strong, and you are worthy.

How will you rebel? Share with us in the comments, or over in our community.

Picture of Sarah Bowser

Sarah Bowser

I’m an unconventional self-esteem coach helping weird, nerdy moms organize their minds and find their core self to rediscover their true identity, cultivate self-love, and create a sense of belonging.

about sarah
hi! I'm Sarah!

I’m an unconventional self-esteem coach helping weird, nerdy moms organize their minds and find their core self to rediscover their true identity, cultivate self-love, and create a sense of belonging.

Learn more below!

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