Reclaiming My Downtime From a Disorganized Mind
Downtime is something that has seemed elusive for quite a while now.
Sure, there are times when we’re just…
Downtime is something that has seemed elusive for quite a while now.
Sure, there are times when we’re just…
There have been many times that I’ve let fear rule my life.
I’ve shrunk back, not allowed myself to be fully present…
Self-sabotage is my greatest weakness, my worst blocker. As I start to get closer and closer to my goals, I…
While I’ve always tried to practice and emulate this same practice of gratitude, it didn’t really hit home for me until the events of this last year unfolded for my family…
I’ve often struggled to figure out how I felt about faith and religion, and reading this quote was like being hit over the head with the perfect synopsis of my feelings…
…it’s reignited in me a far-off dream that’s always nagged at the back of my mind – thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail…
Run your own race. You’re only competing against yourself.
These are things we hear people say constantly. Don’t compare yourself to others, avoid the comparison trap…
Everyone always talks about mom guilt. But you’re never fully prepared for the deep, visceral way it takes hold of you…
The end of a friendship can hit you like a ton of bricks. When you’ve consciously decided to remove yourself from a toxic friendship, it’s not easy. And it can be even more devastating…
Suicidal ideation is no joke. Working my way back from the brink and overcoming my suicidal ideations has not been an easy journey…
Wake up with a jolt, remembering a (in reality) very minor interaction from the day (or week) before and obsess over how that interaction played out. Start your day with…
I am not a huge fan of walking into large groups of people and being expected to be 100% sociable and bubbly. I am awkward. I embrace…
I love open doors. I like to see everything, see all my options, let all the light in. I’ve always been terrible at making decisions. My anxiety kicks into overdrive…
When you’ve struggled for so long to keep your head above water, it can seem impossible to think you could actually live your best life…
To say this last year has been lifechanging is completely cliché at this point. There’s not one thing that hasn’t changed about life…
…as I would think about it, I’d wonder if she really understands what we do when we go to work.
A squirrel at a rave. Too many tabs open at once. Where is that music coming from? There are a lot of ways you could describe how my mind works, and how it’s constantly going from one task to another, oftentimes leaving the last task only partially finished.
A squirrel at a rave. Too many tabs open at once. Where is that music coming from? There are a lot of ways you could describe how my mind works, and how it’s constantly going from one task to another, oftentimes leaving the last task only partially finished.